History of ECR

Ely Community Resource (ECR) was established in 1978 when a group of concerned citizens, ISD 696, and Ely Police grew concerned about Ely youth and their wellbeing, as growing economic difficulties associated with mine closures impacted their families. Our main partners are ISD 696 and the City of Ely

ECR programs take place on campus every day during and after school. Additional out-of-school-time activities take place at the Ely Rec Center, Ely Public Library, and all Ely parks in partnership with the City. We are supported by many other community groups and individuals. No fees are charged for participation. 

ECR has evolved from its early days as a response or reaction to a problem and has become a more proactive or protective approach. We initiated summer enrichment programs in 2010 that have naturally provided a forum and framework for responding to youth voices regarding interests and motivation.

Ely parents look to ECR to help students succeed academically through remedial and enrichment opportunities, to learn friendship skills and social expectations that help to make school and community life fun and rewarding, and for basic needs security

Youth look to ECR programs for opportunities to participate with friends in educational enrichment opportunities, out-of-school time recreationand leadership activities, and general support and advocacy at school. 

Programs include after school homework help, mentoring relationships, remedial reading support, outdoor and indoor recreation opportunities, as well as assistance with basic needs. In-school programs include social, emotional, and character development activities, mental health awareness, college and career preparation, and homework help/credit recovery.