What's Up at ECR
Do you have an interest in Mountain Biking?
If you are in 3rd, 4th or 5th grade and would like to try and/or take part once again in our ECR Bike Club, please contact Jill at jill@elycommunityresource.org
Thank you to our staff, AmeriCorps members and Families for helping to make this another successful summer of enrichment programs for our Ely kids!
End of the Summer Party
End of the Summer Party
Fishing at Miner's Lake
Cooking and Culture
Boundary Waters Trips!
The first ECR Boundary Waters Trip of the summer was a great time!
Several kids experienced their first times for fish being caught, moose being seen and canoes being paddled. Thanks to Friends of the Boundary Waters for making it possible.
The second Boundary Waters trip was a challenging foray through rainstorms and swamped-out portages. But the participants did a fantastic job staying positive throughout it all. They did a total of 22 portages in 4 days!
ECR Summer Water Project Continues to Make Waves
Students helping with Early Detection Baseline Monitoring on White Iron Lake
Crayfish Trapping on the Burntside River
Collecting Water Samples on Shagawa Lake
Spiny Water Flea Plankton Tow on White Iron Chain of Lakes
Since 2016, ECR has been actively involved in collecting data in order to prevent the introduction or limit the spread of aquatic invasive species in Lake County. Because of the AIS grant through Lake County, ECR has been able to continue working on outreach and education, early detection and monitoring as well as partnering with community members and organizations such as: Lake and St. Louis County Soil and Water Conservation District, WICOLA, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC) in St. Paul.
In summer of 2023, we had two very dedicated high school students who helped with this variety of tasks:
Trapping to monitor the Burntside River crayfish population.
Performing early detection monitoring on various Lake County lakes with Lake County AIS Coordinator Liz Anderson.
Volunteering with WICOLA (White Iron Chain of Lakes Association) to collect water samples that are sent to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA).
Collecting water samples on Shagawa Lake for the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC) in St. Paul for early AIS detection using eDNA (environmental DNA) technology.
Helping with the Crayfish Expansion Project to detect rusty crayfish along the South Kawishiwi River.
We also have four middle school students who helped monitor six different sites along the Shagawa and Kawishiwi River. Keeping track of water temperature, water clarity, recreation suitability and stream levels.
We're looking forward to more adventures with Water in the future!